Antoniu Obancia speaker la Conferința Națională de Drept Penal si Procedură Penală

Antoniu Obancia, speaker la Conferința Națională de Drept Penal si Procedură Penală 6 februarie 2025  Sala de Conferințe a Casei Academiei Române Cuvantul colegului nostru se va axa pe Corelația dintre vinovăție ca trăsătură esențială a infracțiunii și vinovația din latura subiectivă a infracțiunilor în legătură cu insolvența. Link pentru detalii:


Antoniu Obancia earns CFE Credential

Our colleague Antoniu Obancia has met a stringent set of criteria, passed four difficult exams and became a certified fraud examiner (CFE), a certification awarded by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).   The organization is based in Austin, Texas and is present worldwide. The exams were as follows: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes…


Webinars held with Wolters Kluwer

Our colleague Antoniu Obancia will address the business environment and the law practitioners within a set of webinars held with Wolters Kluwer: On November 16, 2023: The business offences. Problems from the business practice On December 7, 2023: The corruption offences. Problems from the business practice For details and registration:


National Insolvency Conference to be held in Iasi on September 29-30, 2023

Our colleague Antoniu Obancia will attend the National Insolvency Conference to be held in Iasi on September 29-30, 2023. He will give a speech on The rights of good-faith third parties in the international procedure for mutual recognition of orders for freezing and confiscation of crime proceeds. In a nutshell: The rights of good faith…


Systematic processing of sensitive personal data and the need to ensure an enhanced protection of such data in criminal cases: an annotation of the CJEU decision in the case C-205/21

Introduction The General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (the ‘GDPR’) is the European Union’s newest and toughest data privacy and security law. Since it came into effect, in 2018, any organization in the world which targets or collects personal data of people in the EU must comply with the strict obligations provided thereby. Besides the…


Recent legislative amendments to insolvency

Recent legislative amendments to insolvency – Law No. 216/2022 has amended the insolvency Law No. 85/2014 to comply with EU Directive No. 2019/1.023 concerning restructuring and insolvency. The main target of the new law is to expand and regulate the procedures for the treatment of a company in difficulty before the insolvency procedure. There are two alternative procedures: the restructuring…


Prejudiciul și sancțiunea penală. Ipoteza plății pentru o soartă mai bună

Prin Legea nr. 202/2010 privind unele măsuri pentru accelerarea soluţionării proceselor, s-a introdus în vechiul Cod penal art. 741 : ”în cazul săvârşirii infracţiunilor de gestiune frauduloasă, înşelăciune, delapidare, abuz în serviciu contra intereselor persoanelor, abuz în serviciu contra intereselor publice, abuz în serviciu în formă calificată şi neglijenţă în serviciu, prevăzute în prezentul cod,…
