Au fost aprobate primele documente pentru demararea PNRR.
Care este bugetul alocat pentru proiectele de digitalizare?

În ședința de săptămâna trecută a Guvernului, au fost aprobate două memorandumuri prin care Guvernul a mandatat Ministerul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene și Ministerul Finanțelor să semneze Acordul privind contribuția financiară nerambursabilă și Acordul de împrumut dintre Comisia Europeană și România. Din bugetul total de 29.182 milioane euro acordat prin Planul Național de Redresare și…


Waste management compliance – a major challenge for Romania

Romania failed to comply with its obligations under the Landfill Directive and the Waste Management Directive. On Friday, the European Commission referred Romania to the Court of Justice for non-compliance with CJEU judgment dated October 18, 2018, in case C-301/17, compelling it to close and rehabilitate all landfills that failed to obtain the necessary permit…


€1.98 billion from the Digital Europe Programme to be invested in the digital transition

On Wednesday, the Commission adopted three of the four work programmes promised under Digital Europe Programme. This Programme,  which is the first funding programme of the EU trying to bring technology closer to citizens and businesses, aims at reinforcing EU critical digital capacities by focusing on several key areas including: artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, advanced…


Regulating E-Commerce Today

European Digital Transformation Especially during the pandemics, we all faced the importance and impact of digitalization. While the internet and digital technologies are transforming our world, one of the European Union’s priorities is to make the internal market fit for the digital age, by eliminating unnecessary barriers, consolidating a proper regulatory meant to fight Big-Tech…


RMDT obtained damages amounting to 400,000€ for its client Caritatea Foundation in the file against the Administration of Hospitals and Medical Services Bucharest

RMDT’s Litigation department successfully assisted Caritatea Foundation before of the Romanian Courts in a contractual dispute with the Administration of Hospitals and Medical Services Bucharest (the `ASSMB`). The trial set off in 2011 and, after two reconsiderations, the Bucharest Court of Appeal handed down, on 29 October 2021, its final and binding decision, awarding Caritatea…


Amendments to Labor Legislation in Post-Pandemics Times

Introduction Labor relations have undoubtedly been influenced by the pandemics. Employers were forced to adjust rapidly to the new reality, and to show flexibility in identifying new means of collaboration with their employees, in order to be able to maintain stable relations, but also the business itself. Social distancing requirements triggered substantial increase in remote…


Support for companies in difficult times

Introduction The small and middle-sized companies (“SMEs”) are usually involved in a chain business relationship. Their flourishing from the past years has been a sign that the economy went on a healthy direction. Nowadays, given the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the financial distress of the SMEs may cause negative chain reaction. It is…
